Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Personnel Update

Photo of 23 North at the Detroit Blues Society Finals, 10/25/15
(from left: Scott, Eric, Leslie, Andrew, {Dave on drums behind Andrew}, Kris, 
 {Larry on tenor sax behind Kris}, Monique, Russ, and Darin)






We say "Good-bye" and "Hello! Hello! Hello!"

Band welcomes new band mates and sends best wishes to sax player

We are sad to say farewell to our baritone saxophonist, Andrew Reed. However, we are also happy for his landing of a great job position!  He provided us great improvised lines and a wonderful attitude.  We wish him well in his young career and recent marriage!  


We are excited to welcome 3 to the band! 

Deelylah Mullin, from Freeland, has decided to step fully into the baritone saxophone part. She has been a part of the band as a substitute and has helped us prepare for a few gigs, including competition.  We're looking forward to having her on-stage with us.

Russ Kalso from St. John's has been with us the last month on bass, even going to competition with us.  He has been a quick study, has a great ear, and provides showmanship and enthusiasm.

Michael Zak of Bay City joined us in rehearsal for the first time last week.  He picked up the drum sticks and stepped right into the role of drummer quite well.  We are trying each other out just yet, but Mike does seem a great fit for us.